
Huzur Tahsil topographic maps

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India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil

Bhopal has an average elevation of 500 metres (1401 ft) and is located in the central part of India, just north of the upper limit of the Vindhya mountain ranges. Located on the Malwa plateau, it is higher than the north Indian plains and the land rises towards the Vindhya Range to the south. The city has…

Average elevation: 498 m

kaliasot dam

India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil > Bhopal

Average elevation: 500 m


India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil

Average elevation: 481 m

Lower Lake

India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil > Bhopal

Average elevation: 519 m

Sarangpani Lake

India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil > Bhopal

Average elevation: 490 m


India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil

Average elevation: 508 m


India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil

Average elevation: 485 m

Upper Lake

India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil > Bhopal

Average elevation: 518 m

Huzur Tahsil

India > Madhya Pradesh > Huzur Tahsil

Average elevation: 325 m

About this place