
Solapur topographic map

Interactive map

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Solapur is located at 17°41′N 75°55′E / 17.68°N 75.92°E / 17.68; 75.92. It has an average elevation of 458 metres (1502 feet). It is bordered by Ahmednagar district on the north; Osmanabad district on the north and northeast.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Solapur topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Solapur, Solapur North, Solapur District, Maharashtra, 413001, India (17.50997 75.74081 17.82997 76.06081)

Average elevation: 469 m

Minimum elevation: 424 m

Maximum elevation: 541 m